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Our Mission:

Why Join VI-TA?
Practitioner Presentations
Join us twice a month to hear leaders in the field share cutting edge information on what is working to help their patients.
Support on Your Healing Journey
Have information that supports your healing journey at your fingertips when you need it.
Protocols for Healing
Links to the most up-to-date protocols for helping the body recover from vaccine injury and toxic overload.
Learn About Healing Modalities
Learn the pros and cons of different healing modalities and which may be best to support your healing journey.
Become a Member of VI-TA
(for less than the price of 2 cups of coffee a month)
Hot Topic of The Month
SPELLERS: What if Everything You Thought You Knew About Autism Was Wrong??

Childhood Vaccines
Information on childhood vaccines, the illnesses they are meant to prevent and potential mechanisms by which vaccine injure

COVID Vaccines
Information on how COVID vaccines work, how they damage the body as well as the mechanisms by which the spike protein damages the body.

One stop shopping with links to all your favorite websites as well as a library of key scientific papers.

Practitioners Alliance
Learn more about the practitioners that work with us to bring you the our best understanding of how to help our bodies heal.

Healing: Where Do I Begin?
Join VI-TA to get key resources that will help you learn simple actions that will help you begin your healing journey.

Events and Presentations
Learn about upcoming and past presentations that you will have access to once you join VI-TA.

Figuring Out What’s Wrong
Join VI-TA to learn more about what tests will help you get to the root of your [child’s] problems with chronic illness

Wellness Protocols
Join VI-TA to gain access to resources and protocols that can help you to raise healthy families as well as support your recovery journey.